Online Auction | Penny Auctions | Online Shopping Website

Online Auction | Penny Auctions | Online Shopping Website
Kingbid, a fun and exciting, fast-paced penny auction website. You can win all sorts of popular products at incredibly low prices. Look at our homepage to see what products are up for auction right now, and if one catches your eye, buy some bids for a low price! When you place a bid, we add a maximum of 10-30 seconds to the timer - to give someone else the chance to bid if they're interested. This is similar to the "Going Once...Twice...SOLD" approach of auctions. If no one else bids and the timer reaches zero, you've won a sweet deal on Kingbid! If you don't win the auction, you never have to go away empty handed. Buy From Store allows customers to purchase fantastic products at a great price.
Category: Gift
Clicks: 0
Link added: Mar 1, 2011

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